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Writer's pictureJennifer Miller

New Year's Resolutions

There's me, and there's Jeremy. Every year for the past 16 years we've spent some times as the year ends to talk about what went right and what we learned. We've planned out the next year with big hopes and dreams - some that are accomplished and some that aren't. If you asked us last December what our "Real" New Year's Resolutions as a couple we would've laughed - our resolutions then were to survive another week of life. Did we love each other? Yes! Were we inspired to be our best selves? Only kind of.

But we dug deep and wrote out the resolutions of our dreams anyway. Because sometimes, that is all you can do, right? Just dream anyway. Know things sound crazy and will likely not happen, but allow yourself the tiniest bit of hope. We dreamed that our family realized its full potential, that we lived true to who God called US to be, that we learned and read and prayed and changed. We dreamed of change, thinking it wouldn't happen. But here we are with a whole year of change under our belt, change we didn't dare dream of, change that cost us financially, and relationally, and in all the ways but change whose dividends far exceeded the cost.

And that's what New Year's Resolutions are all about, no? Looking at our lives, seeing the good, realizing the potential and daring to dream it out loud. Gone are the days of resolving to reach a number on a scale or a number in the bank. Those are just low hanging fruit. Now we dare to imagine the what if's of discipline and freedom combined, the possibility of small changes leading to big fulfillment, and the sacredness of asking for and accepting accountability in the change.

Last year I was so proud of my desire to complete 15 books (I did!). Guess what Jeremy's goal was? 75 books. So far he's read 88 because he's a nerd and there I said it and oh well we all adore him in spite of this and because of it.

But this year, I'm looking for and planning on big things. I'm taking my often verbose resolutions and looking at them all through a lens of a guiding principle. My principle is found in Galatians 1:10

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.

For me, this year, 2020 this verse will manifest in the following ways:

1. Intentional daily check in on emotional tank time with my family (currently we do dinner together every-night, and of course connect throughout the day but I want to have hands free, attention focused time with each of my 4 every day where we learn about each other. For Jermey and I, this will be while making dinner or after dinner while cleaning. For Josiah and I while driving to school. For Silas and I, the 30 minutes before bed while he's snuggled up reading/relaxing. For Lucy and I, the 15 minutes after school lets out/bed time)

2. Using food as fuel (I exercise regularly now, and eat a relatively healthy diet. My goal now is to stop focusing on the scale, eat when I'm hungry, and eat foods that are natural and unprocessed. Also giving up peanut butter, always nut butter.)

3. Adhere to our financial plans (I tend to emotionally or impulsively spend and while Jeremy and I have made MAJOR strides in our budgeting abilities, I want 2020 to be our year of freedom and that depends a lot on me.)

4. Write write write. God is definitely calling me to a different purpose in 2020. I love to speak and give encouraging words, but my specific goal is to blog weekly.

5. Say yes to scary things. No explanation needed - I want to model to my kids what crazy faith looks like.

6. Remove distraction and lean in to the call of purpose. For the first 90 days of 2020 I will be giving up my facebook page to reduce my wasted time, distraction, and discern what is the next activism step for me. I want to leverage my influence well. And move forward in the work of world changing.

Freedom is my call in 2020 and I plan to help bring most of you with me.

Here are my questions to you for response:

1. What are your resolutions?

2. What would you do with your life if there were no limitations?

In grace,


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2 commentaires

06 janv. 2020

I feel my life is a big ball of mess there is no way I can dwindle my list down to even make sense of a resolution list. As far as having no limits I can’t imagine or even think of what the possibilities could be due to all the mess blinding my vision.


Pauline Waller
Pauline Waller
18 déc. 2019

Great and inspiring blog! Keep going girl! I love you!

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